Alabama State Seal
Alabama Crime Victims
Compensation Commission

There is Hope. There is Help.


Public Records Requests

Our public-records policy
   It is the policy of the Alabama Crime Victims Compensation Commission(ACVCC) to promptly provide citizens with public records upon request,
subject to their payment of reasonable fees, and applicable laws protecting sensitive records. Requestors will be provided access to Commission
records Monday through Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm. Copies of records may be obtainedduring the same hours. Copies may also be provided
via mail, or email. The full public-records policy may be viewed by selecting the appropriate link below.

Submitting a public-records request
You may submit a public-records request by completing a public-records request form, which is available here.

Please note that this form is only for requesting public records from ACVCC. If you are looking for public records from another governmental
entity within the State of Alabama,you may wish to visit an online directory of Alabama state agencies, Alabama municipalities or Alabama
counties to find the entity best suited to assist you.

You may submit your ACVCC public-records request by emailing it to or via mail to:
    Attn: General Counsel
    PO Box 231267
    Montgomery, AL 36123-1267

What to expect
   We strive to respond as promptly as possible to all public-records requests we receive consistent with the demands of our functions as
determined by state law. The nature of your request will dictate how promptly we respond. If your request very clearly identifies a specific,
discrete document you are looking for, we will respond more quickly than if your request requires substantial staff time to process. A request
will require substantial staff time to process if it requires difficulty in identifying and retrieving documents or taking measures to redact or
otherwise withhold legally protected information.

   In addition, we are permitted by state law to charge reasonable fees in connection with processing public-records requests.
We will notify you in advance of the fees you likely will incur as a result of your request.

You may contact ACVCC's public-records coordinator at

Public-records Policy

Public-records Request Form